一名74岁的男子在北爱尔兰Antrim遭到攻击后身处危急状态。 A 74-year-old man is in critical condition after being assaulted in Antrim, Northern Ireland.
在北爱尔兰的安特里姆, 一名74岁的老人星期六晚上遭到袭击, 病情危急, 住院治疗. A 74-year-old man is in critical condition in a hospital after being assaulted in Antrim, Northern Ireland, on Saturday evening. 受害人头部在车站路被一男一女拳打,造成头部严重受伤和昏迷。 The victim was punched in the head by a man and woman on Station Road, causing serious head injuries and unconsciousness. 警方逮捕了一名21岁的男子和一名25岁的妇女,他们涉嫌企图谋杀;两人仍被拘留。 Police arrested a 21-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman on suspicion of attempted murder; both remain in custody. 当局正在敦促证人或任何有事件录像的人站出来。 Authorities are urging witnesses or anyone with footage of the incident to come forward.