拉脱维亚将向乌克兰发送数量不明的爱国军装甲车辆,协助其防卫,同时维持自己的军事需要。 Latvia will send undisclosed numbers of Patria armored vehicles to Ukraine, aiding its defense while maintaining own military needs.
拉脱维亚今年将派遣Patria 6x6装甲运兵车前往乌克兰, Latvia will send Patria 6x6 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine this year, though the exact number is undisclosed. 拉脱维亚国防部长安德里斯·斯普鲁兹(Andris Spruds)注意到这项援助支持乌克兰, Latvia's defense minister, Andris Spruds, noted this aid supports Ukraine while offering Latvian forces valuable combat insights. 交货不会影响拉脱维亚自己的军事合同。 The delivery won't affect Latvia's own military contracts. 拉脱维亚每年承诺将其GDP的0.25%用于乌克兰的军事援助,并期待国防开支达到GDP的4%。 Latvia has pledged 0.25% of its GDP annually for Ukraine's military aid and expects defense spending to reach 4% of GDP.