由于税收变化和能源价格下降,爱尔兰的最低工资下降到14.75欧元/小时。 Ireland's Living Wage decreased to €14.75/hr due to tax changes and reduced energy prices.
由于税收变动和能源价格下跌,爱尔兰的最低工资下降了每小时5美分,现在总额为14.75欧元。 Ireland's Living Wage has decreased by five cents per hour, now totaling €14.75, due to tax changes and reduced energy prices. 这一工资反映了无受扶养人的全职工人支付基本生活费用所需的最低生活费用。 This wage reflects the minimum needed for a full-time worker without dependents to cover essential living costs. 目前最低工资仍为12.70欧元,比生活工资低2.05欧元。 The current minimum wage remains €12.70, which is €2.05 below the Living Wage. 政府计划到2026年确定国民生活工资,定为中位工资的60%。 The government plans to establish a national living wage by 2026, set at 60% of the median wage.