澳大利亚监管机构拒绝关于婴儿配方奶粉广告的自愿守则,这可能导致制定更严格的规则。 Australian regulator rejects voluntary code on baby formula ads, may lead to stricter rules.
澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会否决了限制婴儿配方奶粉广告的自愿守则,称该守则无效。 The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has rejected a voluntary code limiting baby formula advertising, saying it is ineffective. 批评者认为,1992年澳大利亚婴儿配方(MAIF)协定在澳大利亚的营销失败,因为公司利用数字营销规避其规则。 Critics argue the 1992 Marketing in Australia of Infant Formula (MAIF) Agreement has failed due to companies using digital marketing to circumvent its rules. 这种拒绝可能导致联邦政府制定强制性规章。 This rejection may lead to mandatory regulations by the federal government.