英国监管机构建议采用非品牌婴儿配方,以帮助父母每年节省300英镑。 UK regulator recommends non-branded baby formula to help parents save £300 annually.
联合王国竞争和市场管理局(CMA)建议改变婴儿配方奶粉行业,以帮助父母每年节省约300英镑。 The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) recommends changes to the baby formula industry to help parents save around £300 a year. 资本市场委员会建议国民保健制度建立自己的非品牌配方,现有产品在医院的非品牌容器中出售,以减少品牌影响。 The CMA suggests the NHS create its own non-branded formula and existing products be sold in non-branded containers in hospitals to reduce brand influence. 包装应明确显示营养信息,禁止提出无法核实的索赔要求。 Packaging should clearly display nutritional information and ban unverifiable claims. 阿马齐格世界大会没有建议设定价格上限,指出所有品牌都满足婴儿的营养需要。 The CMA did not recommend a price cap, noting all brands meet a baby's nutritional needs.