巴基斯坦信德省信德省禁止未经处方来增加母乳喂养的人工配方奶的销售。 Sindh, Pakistan, bans artificial formula milk sales without prescription to boost breastfeeding.
巴基斯坦信德省新颁布了一部法律,禁止未经医生处方出售人工配方奶,以促进母乳喂养。 Sindh, Pakistan, has enacted a new law to promote breastfeeding by banning the sale of artificial formula milk without a doctor's prescription. 违法者将受到罚款和监禁。 Violators face fines and imprisonment. 法律限制医生在没有正当理由的情况下开口配方奶,禁止配方奶公司在包装上直接营销或使用“牛奶”一词。 The law restricts doctors from prescribing formula milk without a valid reason and prohibits formula companies from direct marketing or using the word "milk" on packaging. 这项举措旨在改善该省儿童营养状况,提高母乳喂养率。 This move aims to improve child nutrition and increase breastfeeding rates in the province.