新西兰拒绝ICMBS, 在全球母乳养促进的担忧中, 制定自己的婴儿配方标准. New Zealand rejects ICMBS, develops own infant formula standard amidst global breastfeeding promotion concerns.
新西兰选择不通过《母乳代用品国际销售守则》及其相关的世界卫生大会决议,而是选择制定自己的婴儿配方奶标准。 New Zealand has chosen not to adopt the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and its related World Health Assembly Resolutions, opting instead to develop its own infant formula standard. 卫生专家和组织对此感到关切,因为这项决定与全球促进母乳喂养和支持新母亲的努力背道而驰。 Health experts and organizations are concerned, as this decision goes against global efforts to promote breastfeeding and support new mothers. 新西兰婴儿配方奶粉市场利润很高,溢价和专门配方奶粉价格很高。 New Zealand's infant formula market is highly profitable, with high prices for premium and specialized formulas. 尽管全球研究表明,母乳喂养的儿童呼吸道和胃肠感染率较低,认知发展更好,发育迟缓率较低,但是,对母乳喂养支助的公共卫生投资很少。 Public health investment in breastfeeding support is minimal, despite global research indicating that breastfed children have lower rates of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, better cognitive development, and a lower prevalence of developmental delays.