卡塔尔给予外籍人士三个月宽限期,不违反签证规定而离开卡塔尔,不受处罚。 Qatar offers expatriates a three-month grace period to leave without visa violation penalties.
卡塔尔内政部已宣布,自2025年2月9日起,对违反居留规则或逾期居留签证的外籍人士实行三个月宽限期。 Qatar's Ministry of Interior has announced a three-month grace period starting February 9, 2025, for expatriates who have violated residency rules or overstayed their visas. 个人可以不受处罚地在法定时间前往哈马德国际机场或萨尔瓦路的搜索和跟踪部门。 Individuals can exit the country without penalties by going to Hamad International Airport or the Search and Follow-up Department on Salwa Road during official hours. 宽限期旨在帮助违规者顺利离开该国。 The grace period aims to help violators leave the country smoothly.