巴基斯坦向巴勒斯坦、黎巴嫩和叙利亚受战争影响的平民运送50吨援助。 Pakistan sends 50 tons of aid to war-affected civilians in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria.
巴基斯坦已向巴勒斯坦、黎巴嫩和叙利亚境内受战争影响的平民发送了第23批50吨救济物资。 Pakistan has sent its 23rd relief consignment of 50 tons to war-affected civilians in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. 援助来自卡拉奇的吉纳国际机场,包括食品、卫生包、衣服、毯子、帐篷和睡袋。 The aid, dispatched from Karachi's Jinnah International Airport, includes food, hygiene kits, clothing, blankets, tents, and sleeping bags. 迄今为止,巴基斯坦在国家灾害管理局和希德马特基金会下向这些地区提供了1 800多吨援助。 To date, Pakistan has delivered over 1,800 tons of aid to these regions under the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Al-Khidmat Foundation.