巴基斯坦向叙利亚、黎巴嫩和加沙提供17吨的援助,包括粮食和药品。 Pakistan sends 17 tons of aid, including food and medicine, to Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza.
巴基斯坦国家灾害管理局已经向叙利亚、黎巴嫩和加沙派遣了第21批救济物资,17吨,包括毯子、食品和药品。 Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has dispatched its 21st relief consignment of 17 tons of supplies, including blankets, food, and medicines, to Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza. 这项援助旨在向受最近冲突影响的人口提供支助。 This aid aims to support populations affected by recent conflicts. 自冲突开始以来,巴基斯坦已向这些地区发送了1 700多吨救济物品。 Since the beginning of the conflict, Pakistan has sent over 1,700 tons of relief items to these regions.