在Metairie的I-10上发生一氧化二氮拖车爆炸,造成无人受伤,但附近房屋震动。 Nitrous oxide trailer explosion on I-10 in Metairie causes no injuries but shakes nearby homes.
2月8日凌晨12时30分左右,一辆载一氧化二氮的拖车在路易斯安那州梅塔伊雷10号州际公路肩上爆炸。 A trailer carrying nitrous oxide exploded on the shoulder of Interstate 10 in Metairie, Louisiana, on February 8, around 12:30 PM. 爆炸是由一辆黑色小卡车纵火拖拖车引起的,在附近的房屋里感觉到爆炸。 The explosion, caused by a fire in a black pickup truck towing the trailer, was felt in nearby homes. 杰斐逊教区消防员在火灾开始后不久就将火灾扑灭。 Jefferson Parish firefighters extinguished the blaze shortly after it began. 未报告有人受伤,但路易斯安那州警方正在调查火灾原因。 No injuries were reported, but the cause of the fire is under investigation by Louisiana State Police.