边境巡逻队在得克萨斯州Eagle Pass附近抓获260名移民;一些来自伊朗和埃及的移民可能寻求庇护。 Border Patrol caught 260 migrants near Eagle Pass, Texas; some from Iran and Egypt may seek asylum.
边境巡逻人员拦截了260名移徙者,包括来自伊朗、埃及、安哥拉和玻利维亚的公民,他们越过Eagle Pass附近进入得克萨斯州。 Border Patrol agents intercepted 260 migrants, including citizens from Iran, Egypt, Angola, and Bolivia, crossing into Texas near Eagle Pass. 由于难以将他们遣返回原籍国,其中约15名移徙者(大多来自伊朗和埃及)可能被释放,以便提出庇护申请。 Due to difficulties in returning them to their home countries, about 15 of these migrants, mostly from Iran and Egypt, will likely be released to pursue asylum claims. 尽管在当选总统特朗普获胜后预期会暴涨, 但跨越边境的移民群体规模却有所扩大, “特殊利益外国人”越来越普遍, 引起关注。 Despite expectations of a surge after President-elect Trump's victory, there's been an increase in the size of migrant groups crossing the border, with "Special Interest Aliens" becoming more common, raising concerns.