黎巴嫩在两年多后组建新政府,旨在实现金融改革和稳定。 Lebanon forms new government after over two years, aiming for financial reforms and stability.
黎巴嫩组建了两年多来的第一个政府,结束了政治僵局。 Lebanon has formed its first government in over two years, ending a political deadlock. 由总理纳瓦夫·萨拉姆 (Nawaf Salam) 领导的 24 人内阁旨在实施金融改革和重建国家。 Led by Prime Minister Nawaf Salam, the 24-member cabinet aims to implement financial reforms and rebuild the country. 联合国称赞这一发展是迈向稳定的一步,并表示愿意在改革和安全方面进行合作。 The UN has praised the development as a step towards stability and has expressed readiness to collaborate on reforms and security.