黎巴嫩总理纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(Nawaf Salam)当选, Nawaf Salam elected Lebanon's prime minister, signaling shift away from Hezbollah's influence.
国际法院法官纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(Nawaf Salam)在立法者的支持下当选为黎巴嫩新总理, Nawaf Salam, a judge at the International Court of Justice, has been elected as Lebanon's new prime minister with support from lawmakers, marking a shift in power away from Hezbollah. 这次选举是继真主党在与以色列开战后被削弱的地位以及叙利亚盟友巴沙尔·阿萨德倒台之后举行的。 This election follows Hezbollah's weakened position after the war with Israel and the fall of Syrian ally Bashar al-Assad. 萨拉姆的任命标志着向稳定多年来瘫痪的黎巴嫩政府迈出了一步,并解决经济危机和战争破坏问题。 Salam's appointment signals a move towards stabilizing the Lebanese government, which has been paralyzed for years, and addresses the economic crisis and war damage.