卡塔尔承诺支持黎巴嫩的重建,侧重于经济发展和区域稳定。 Qatar pledges support for Lebanon's reconstruction, focusing on economic development and regional stability.
卡塔尔总理承诺在新政府组建后继续支持黎巴嫩的重建和经济发展,特别是在石油和天然气部门。 Qatar's Prime Minister pledged continued support for Lebanon's reconstruction and economic development, especially in the oil and gas sector, following the formation of a new government. 他会晤了黎巴嫩官员,包括约瑟夫·奥恩总统和候任总理纳瓦夫·萨拉姆,讨论了加强关系和区域稳定的问题。 He met with Lebanese officials, including President Joseph Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam, to discuss strengthening ties and regional stability. 卡塔尔还强调维护联合国第1701号决议对黎巴嫩主权和支持黎巴嫩军队的重要性。 Qatar also emphasized the importance of upholding UN Resolution 1701 for Lebanon's sovereignty and supporting the Lebanese army.