在印度尼西亚,八人死亡,四人因吸食有毒、非食品级的酒精而患上重病。 Eight die, four critically ill in Indonesia after consuming toxic, non-food-grade alcohol.
西爪哇省 Cianjur 有 8 人死亡,4 人情况危急,此前他们饮用了 96% 的纯非食品级酒精。 Eight people died and four are in critical condition in Cianjur, West Java, after consuming 96% pure, non-food-grade alcohol purchased online. 受害者来自Kademangan村,在饮了混合饮料的酒精之后不久,开始患上胸痛、头晕和恶心。 The victims, from Kademangan village, began experiencing chest pain, dizziness, and nausea shortly after drinking the alcohol mixed with a flavored drink. 严重的酒精中毒导致了他们的危急状况。 The severe alcohol poisoning led to their critical conditions.