11人死亡,38人消费假酒后在伊斯坦布尔住院;两名嫌疑人被捕。 11 die, 38 hospitalized in Istanbul after consuming counterfeit alcohol; two suspects arrested.
在伊斯坦布尔,消费假酒后死亡11人,住院38人。 In Istanbul, 11 people died and 38 were hospitalized after consuming counterfeit alcohol. 两名土库曼籍嫌疑人因据称出售假酒而被捕。 Two suspects of Turkmen nationality were arrested for allegedly selling the fake alcohol. 当局在一次突袭中缴获了50升假酒和其他非法物品。 Authorities seized 50 liters of counterfeit alcohol and other illegal items during a raid. 这一事件凸显了土耳其假酒的危险,土耳其的私人酒精生产由于税收高而有所增加。 The incident highlights the dangers of counterfeit alcohol in Turkey, where private alcohol production has increased due to high taxes.