自11月以来,伊斯坦布尔已有37人因饮用乙醇添加的假酒而死亡。 Thirty-seven people have died in Istanbul from drinking methanol-laced counterfeit alcohol since November.
在土耳其伊斯坦布尔,自11月以来,有37人死亡,17人在食用含甲醇的假酒后仍在接受治疗。 In Istanbul, Turkey, 37 people have died and 17 are still in treatment after consuming methanol-laced counterfeit alcohol since November. 中毒剧增与私人酒精生产有关,加上税收增加,导致14人被捕,32家企业被处以罚款。 This surge in poisonings, linked to private alcohol production amid higher taxes, has led to the arrest of 14 individuals and fines for 32 businesses. 这一事件凸显了土耳其境内目前存在的假酒问题。 The incident has highlighted ongoing issues with counterfeit alcohol in Turkey.