芝加哥向青年音乐家贷款稀有乐器,包括Stradidvarius小提琴,以提高他们的技能和职业水平。 Chicago loans rare instruments, including Stradivarius violins, to young musicians to boost their skills and careers.
芝加哥的一个计划 向年轻有才华的音乐家贷款 罕见的历史乐器 比如18世纪的Stradidvarius小提琴 A Chicago program loans rare historical instruments, like 18th-century Stradivarius violins, to young, talented musicians. 该倡议旨在通过提供获得他们本来可能负担不起的特殊乐器的机会,提高他们的音乐技能和职业前景。 This initiative aims to enhance their musical skills and career prospects by providing access to exceptional instruments they might not otherwise afford. 该方案支持有前途的音乐家成长,向他们提供使用世界级乐器玩乐的机会。 The program supports the growth of promising musicians by offering them the chance to play on world-class instruments.