孟加拉国临时内政部宣布打击学生领导的起义期间的暴力和违法行为。 Bangladesh's interim Home Ministry announces a crackdown on violence and lawlessness during the student-led uprising.
孟加拉国临时内政部宣布在学生领导的起义中打击参与暴力和违法行为的人. Bangladesh's interim Home Ministry has announced a crackdown on individuals engaging in violence and lawlessness amid a student-led uprising. 政府的目标是通过起诉那些利用局势谋取私利的人来恢复秩序,同时确保将谨慎地进行逮捕,避免任意拘留。 The government aims to restore order by prosecuting those exploiting the situation for personal gain, while assuring that arrests will be made carefully, avoiding arbitrary detentions. 鼓励公民举报不当行为,因为政府寻求合作,维护公共安全,处理上届政府的侵权行为。 Citizens are encouraged to report misconduct, as the government seeks cooperation to maintain public security and address abuses from the previous administration.