英国的严厉新移民规则正通过拒绝他们的赡养要求来陷害更现代的奴役受害者。 UK's tough new immigration rules are trapping more modern slavery victims by rejecting their support claims.
根据多种来源,联合王国更严格的移民政策正在将现代奴隶制受害者困在陷阱中。 The UK's stricter immigration policies are trapping modern slavery victims, according to multiple sources. 2015年的《现代奴役法》旨在保护受害者,但2023年引入的新规则导致拒绝国家支持的人数大幅增加,从2022年的11%增至2023年的45%。 The Modern Slavery Act of 2015 aimed to protect victims, but new rules introduced in 2023 have led to a significant increase in rejections for state support, rising from 11% in 2022 to 45% in 2023. 新法律要求有更强有力的剥削证据,引起对驱逐出境的恐惧,并阻止许多人寻求帮助。 The new laws require stronger evidence of exploitation, prompting fear of deportation and deterring many from seeking help. 政府承认这一问题,但尚未修改立法。 The government has acknowledged the issue but has yet to change the legislation.