尽管有人呼吁赔偿,但英国政府拒绝对奴隶后代进行赔偿。 UK government refuses reparations for slave descendants despite calls for compensation.
英国政府正在解决其与奴隶制的历史联系,但已果断排除了对奴隶后代的赔偿。 The UK government is addressing its historical ties to slavery but has decisively ruled out reparations for descendants of slaves. 尽管要求赔偿的呼声越来越高,但这一立场仍然存在,批评者强调英国的财富与奴隶贸易的利润息息相关。 This stance persists despite increasing calls for compensation, with critics highlighting that the UK's wealth is tied to profits from the slave trade. 正在进行的辩论反映了政府在避免经济赔偿的同时承认其过去的努力。 The ongoing debate reflects the government's efforts to acknowledge its past while avoiding financial restitution.