联合王国保障部长承诺在两年内消除现代奴隶制案件积压,增聘200名内政部工作人员。 UK Safeguarding Minister commits to eliminating modern slavery case backlog within two years, hiring 200 additional Home Office staff.
联合王国保障部长杰西·菲利普斯承诺在两年内消除积压的23 000多起现代奴役案件。 UK Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips has committed to eliminating a backlog of over 23,000 modern slavery cases within two years. 为此,内政部将增聘200名工作人员。 To achieve this, the Home Office will hire 200 additional staff. 目前,许多涉嫌受害者,包括儿童,等待决定多年。 Currently, many suspected victims, including children, have been waiting for decisions for years. 独立反奴隶制专员支持这一举措,但敦促增加对剥削者的起诉。 The Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner supports the initiative but urges increased prosecutions against exploiters. 联合王国估计约有13万现代奴隶制受害者。 The UK estimates about 130,000 modern slavery victims exist.