蒙大拿法官封锁了防止变性人更新官方文件中的性别内容的蒙大拿规则。 Judge blocks Montana rules that prevent transgender individuals from updating gender on official documents.
蒙大拿法官暂时阻止变性人更改其出生证和驾驶执照性别称号的规则。 A Montana judge has temporarily blocked rules preventing transgender individuals from changing their sex designation on birth certificates and driver's licenses. 该案件由两名变性妇女提出,认为政策违反了《蒙大拿宪法》规定的平等保护和隐私权。 The case, filed by two transgender women, argues the policies violate equal protection and privacy rights under the Montana Constitution. 国家曾辩称,性是二元性的,而变性人并不是受保护的阶层。 The state had argued that sex is binary and that being transgender is not a protected class. 然而,迈克·梅纳汉法官不同意,在案件通过法院审理期间,适用了这一规则。 However, Judge Mike Menahan disagreed, pausing the rule while the case progresses through the courts.