研究发现,过长的屏幕时间有害于幼儿的语言发展,但共享使用和书本则有帮助。 Study finds excessive screen time harms toddlers' language development, but shared use and books help.
来自20个拉丁美洲国家的研究人员发现,电视和智能手机过长的屏幕时间可能会损害幼儿的语言发展。 Researchers from 20 Latin American countries found that excessive screen time from TV and smartphones may harm toddlers' language development. 这项涉及1 878名12至48个月幼儿的研究显示,那些接触屏幕较多的儿童的语言技能较差,里程碑也延迟。 The study, involving 1,878 toddlers aged 12 to 48 months, showed that those with more screen exposure had poorer language skills and delayed milestones. 然而,与成年人分享屏幕时间和阅读书籍有助于提高语言技能。 However, engaging in shared screen time with adults and reading books helped improve language skills. 社会经济地位较低的家庭使用较少书籍和教育资源。 Families with lower socioeconomic status used fewer books and educational resources.