Trump总统和Ishiba总统会晤,讨论加强美日贸易和国防关系。 Presidents Trump and Ishiba met to discuss strengthening US-Japan ties on trade and defense.
特朗普总统和日本首相石渊一巴先生举行了一次记者招待会,讨论国际关系、贸易和国防合作问题。 President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba held a press conference to discuss international relations, trade, and defense cooperation. 他们讨论了美日关系的现状、贸易政策和潜在的军事合作。 They addressed the current state of US-Japan relations, trade policies, and potential military collaborations. 会议强调了为加强双边关系和应对全球挑战而正在进行的努力。 The meeting highlighted ongoing efforts to strengthen bilateral ties and address global challenges.