中国的王仪和日本的秋叶武夫为了加强联系和讨论区域稳定而开会。 China's Wang Yi and Japan's Takeo Akiba met to strengthen ties and discuss regional stability.
中国最顶尖的外交家王仪和日本特别顾问秋叶武夫在北京会晤,加强双边关系,同意维护现有政治文件的原则,促进经济合作。 China's top diplomat Wang Yi and Japan's special adviser Takeo Akiba met in Beijing to enhance bilateral ties, agreeing to uphold principles from existing political documents and promote economic cooperation. 他们强调保持高级别对话,处理福岛核电厂排放水等问题。 They emphasized maintaining high-level dialogue and addressing issues like the Fukushima nuclear plant's water discharge. 双方表示致力于和平发展和区域稳定,力求在贸易和通信方面互利。 Both parties expressed a commitment to peaceful development and regional stability, aiming for mutual benefits in trade and communication.