AEON付款协议伙伴与Vicction公司合作,使全球1.5M商家的加密付款成为可能。 Payment protocol AEON partners with Viction to enable crypto payments at 1.5M merchants globally.
AEON的支付协议 已经联手 与块链平台 Viction 支持 Vicction 的本地象征性物品, 包括稳定币, 用于离线付款。 Payment protocol AEON has teamed up with blockchain platform Viction to support Viction's native tokens, including stablecoins, for offline payments. 这种伙伴关系使用户能够向东南亚和全球150多万商人支付这些代币。 This partnership allows users to pay with these tokens at over 1.5 million merchants in Southeast Asia and globally. 目标是使加密付款与传统交易一样容易,促进在现实世界情景中采用加密。 The goal is to make crypto payments as easy as traditional transactions, boosting crypto adoption in real-world scenarios.