Bitget 整合苹果付费和谷歌付费 30秒内转换Fiat到加密。 Bitget integrates Apple Pay and Google Pay for fiat-to-crypto conversions within 30 seconds.
Bitget是一个主要的加密货币交易所,它已经将苹果付费和谷歌付款纳入其支付系统,使用户能够在30秒内将Fiat转换为加密。 Bitget, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has integrated Apple Pay and Google Pay into its payment system, allowing users to convert fiat to crypto within 30 seconds. 这一举动与公司为提供安全,高效和用户友好的onramp解决方案的努力相一致, 并扩大其支付选择范围. This move aligns with the company's efforts to provide secure, efficient, and user-friendly onramp solutions and expands its range of payment options. 随着 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay 的加入,Bitget 旨在推动采用并为用户提供 140+ 种法定货币和 100+ 种加密货币的无缝购买体验。 With the addition of Apple Pay and Google Pay, Bitget aims to drive adoption and provide a seamless experience for users to buy crypto across 140+ fiat currencies and 100+ cryptocurrencies.