货币20/20亚洲会议将讨论数字金融方面不断变化的支付趋势和监管挑战。 Money20/20 Asia conference will address evolving payment trends and regulatory challenges in digital finance.
支付的未来正在随着实时交易、嵌入式融资和稳定币等数字资产而变化。 The future of payments is evolving with real-time transactions, embedded finance, and digital assets like stablecoins. 企业在预防和遵守欺诈行为方面面临监管方面的挑战。 Businesses face regulatory challenges in fraud prevention and compliance. 亚洲货币20/20定于4月22日至24日在曼谷举行,将与来自银行、支付公司和监管机构的200名领导人探讨这些趋势,重点是数字金融的合作、安全和创新。 Money20/20 Asia, set for April 22-24 in Bangkok, will explore these trends with 200 leaders from banks, payments firms, and regulators, focusing on collaboration, security, and innovation in digital finance.