密码交易所Bitget将PayPal的PYUSD稳定币集成到Solana和以太坊网络上. Crypto exchange Bitget integrates PayPal's PYUSD stablecoin on Solana and Ethereum networks.
领先的加密货币交易所Bitget将PayPal的PYUSD稳定币集成到Solana区块链上,允许Solana和以太坊网络上的交易. Leading crypto exchange Bitget integrates PayPal's PYUSD stablecoin on Solana blockchain, allowing transactions on Solana and Ethereum networks. 这种多链代币的整合旨在增加稳定币的可用性,从而可能巩固Solana在市场上的地位,并满足零售和机构的利益. This multichain token integration aims to increase the availability of stablecoins, potentially solidifying Solana's position in the market and catering to retail and institutional interests. PayPal的存在和用户基础可以推动PYUSD的采用,而Bitget仍然致力于创新和提供高效服务。 PayPal's presence and user base could boost PYUSD's adoption, while Bitget remains dedicated to innovation and offering efficient services.