在南卡罗来纳州I-85上发生的多起事件包括一次致命车祸、一次医疗紧急事故和一次危险泄漏事件。 Multiple incidents on I-85 in South Carolina include a fatal crash, a medical emergency, and a hazardous spill.
星期五,格林维尔县I-85和I-385交汇处发生了致命的摩托车坠毁事件,暂时关闭了出口坡道。 On Friday, a fatal motorcycle crash occurred at the I-85 and I-385 interchange in Greenville County, temporarily closing the exit ramp. 与此同时,一架医疗直升机在安德森州北部I-85坠毁地点降落,在斯巴登堡州北部I-85处,一艘危险材料泄漏封闭了两条道路。 Meanwhile, a medical helicopter landed at a crash site on I-85 north in Anderson County, and a hazardous materials spill closed two lanes on I-85 north in Spartanburg County. 当局正在调查这些事件,但掌握的细节有限。 Authorities are investigating these incidents, with limited details available.