安德森县一辆18轮摩托车和一辆摩托车之间 发生致命车祸 正在调查中 Fatal crash between an 18-wheeler and a motorcycle in Anderson County under investigation.
星期五下午在Anderson县Estes车道东河街市郊外的Anderson县发生了一场涉及一辆18轮车和一辆摩托车的致命车祸。 A fatal crash involving an 18-wheeler and a motorcycle occurred on Friday afternoon in Anderson County, outside the city limits on East River Street at Estes Drive. 安德森县验尸官办公室正在进行调查,但伤亡人数或坠机原因等细节尚未公布。 The Anderson County Coroner's Office is investigating, but details such as the number of casualties or the cause of the crash have not been disclosed yet. 当地新闻机构正在努力在可获得更多信息时提供更多信息。 Local news outlets are working to provide more information as it becomes available.