贝尔蒙特的 85 号州际公路南线在凌晨 2 点 43 分发生事故后关闭,并于上午 8 点重新开放,造成 1 人死亡。 1 killed, I-85 South in Belmont closed after 2:43 a.m. crash, reopened at 8 a.m.
贝尔蒙特 85 号州际公路南线因清晨撞车事故导致 1 人死亡:周六凌晨 2 点 43 分左右,贝尔蒙特加斯顿县 27 英里标记附近的 85 号州际公路南线发生致命车祸,造成 1 人死亡,无人受伤。另一辆车。 1 killed, I-85 South in Belmont closed after early morning crash: A fatal crash on I-85 South near mile marker 27 in Gaston County, Belmont, occurred around 2:43 a.m. on Saturday, resulting in one fatality and no injuries in the other car. 所有车道都被关闭以进行调查和清理,NCDOT 为驾车者提供了一条绕行路线。 All lanes were closed for investigation and cleanup, and the NCDOT provided a detour route for motorists. 州际公路于上午 8 点左右重新开放。 The interstate reopened at around 8 a.m.