摩尔斯维尔第31号出口线附近I -77北端摩尔斯维尔发生致命的摩托车撞车事故,导致车道关闭和交通延误。 A fatal motorcycle-car crash on I-77 North near Exit 31 in Mooresville led to lane closures and traffic delays.
星期一下午,在I-77北面Iredell县Mooresville 31号出口附近,发生了一起涉及一辆摩托车和两辆汽车的致命车祸。 A fatal crash involving a motorcycle and two cars occurred Monday afternoon on I-77 North near Exit 31 in Mooresville, Iredell County. 这次事故导致5个北向车道中的4个关闭,造成交通严重延误。 The accident led to the closure of four out of five northbound lanes, causing significant traffic delays. 现场提供紧急服务,机动车司机应避开该地区。 Emergency services are on-site, and motorists are advised to avoid the area. 北卡罗来纳州公路巡逻队正在调查, The North Carolina State Highway Patrol is investigating, with updates provided by WSOC-TV.