山崩在中国四川, 掩埋房屋, 留下超过30人失踪, 催生重大救援努力。 Landslide in Sichuan, China, buries houses, leaves over 30 missing, prompts major rescue effort.
中国四川镇平村发生滑坡,掩埋了10栋房屋,造成30多人失踪。 A landslide in Jinping Village, Sichuan, China, buried 10 houses and left over 30 people missing. 两人获营救。 Two people were rescued. 当局发起了一次高级别应急行动,部署了400多名救援人员。 Authorities launched a high-level emergency response, deploying over 400 rescuers. 习近平主席下令努力尽量减少伤亡,政府拨出资金用于救灾和修复基础设施。 President Xi Jinping ordered efforts to minimize casualties, and the government allocated funds for disaster relief and infrastructure restoration.