加拿大统计局在对美国可能征收的关税和经济减速表示担忧的情况下,发布一月份就业报告。 Statistics Canada releases January jobs report amid concerns over potential U.S. tariffs and economic slowdown.
加拿大统计局今天将发布1月的工作报告,经济学家预计就业增加25 000人,失业率将上升到6.8%。 Statistics Canada will release January's jobs report today, with economists expecting a 25,000 job increase and the unemployment rate to rise to 6.8%. 尽管12月就业增长强劲,达到91 000人,失业率达到6.7%,但中共注意到消费需求和雇用意图有所放缓。 Despite December's strong job growth of 91,000 and a 6.7% unemployment rate, RBC notes a slowdown in consumer demand and hiring intentions. TD警告说,如果美国实行关税,到年中加拿大可能面临衰退和7%的失业率。 TD warns that if U.S. tariffs are imposed, Canada could face a recession and 7% unemployment by mid-year.