夏威夷女王保健系统计划削减约100个工作岗位,以适应新的保健需求和技术进步。 Queen's Health Systems in Hawaii plans to cut about 100 jobs to adapt to new healthcare demands and tech advances.
夏威夷女王保健系统计划消除大约100个职位,以适应不断演变的保健需要和技术进步。 Queen's Health Systems in Hawaii plans to eliminate around 100 positions to adapt to evolving healthcare needs and technological advances. 这项决定影响到9 500名雇员中的不到1%,是在最近与护士谈判之后作出的,谈判内容包括增加工资和改善人员配置。 The decision affects less than 1% of its 9,500 employees and comes after recent negotiations with nurses that included wage increases and improved staffing. 这一举措旨在提高工作效率,但因可能影响病人护理而受到批评。 The move aims to enhance efficiency but has been criticized for potentially impacting patient care.