由于全国范围内初级保健提供者短缺,GHC 削减了六分之一的患者名册,苏区医院面临着挑战。 Sault Area Hospital faces challenges due to GHC cutting one sixth of its patient roster, caused by a nation-wide shortage of primary care providers.
由于集团健康中心 (GHC) 今年春天削减了六分之一的患者名册,预计苏特地区医院将面临重大挑战。 Sault Area Hospital is expected to face significant challenges due to the Group Health Centre (GHC) cutting one sixth of its patient roster this spring. GHC 首席执行官 Lil Silvano 宣布的裁员是由于全国范围内初级保健提供者短缺的结果。 The cuts, announced by GHC CEO Lil Silvano, are a result of a nation-wide shortage of primary care providers. 这种短缺导致当地卫生官员无法找到替代者来替代 GHC 关闭的医疗服务提供者。 This shortage has left local health officials unable to find replacements for providers who have closed their practices at GHC. 该医院目前正在应对财务压力和该省未来资助的不确定性,以及推翻 124 号法案,该法案此前限制了公共部门雇员的工资增长。 The hospital is currently dealing with financial pressures and uncertainty regarding future funding from the province, as well as the overturning of Bill 124, which previously capped wage increases for public-sector employees.