法国的贸易赤字在12月缩减至66亿欧元,显示出积极的经济趋势。 France's trade deficit shrank to €6.6 billion in December, showing a positive economic trend.
2024年12月,法国的贸易赤字缩小到66亿欧元,比上个月的71亿欧元赤字有所改进。 In December 2024, France's trade deficit narrowed to €6.6 billion, an improvement from the previous month's €7.1 billion deficit. 虽然出口稳定在501亿欧元,进口却下降了约6亿欧元,达到566亿欧元。 While exports remained stable at €50.1 billion, imports fell by roughly 600 million Euros to €56.6 billion. 这一积极趋势表明,尽管面临全球挑战,法国经济仍具有一定的恢复力,但专家将继续监测这些数字,以获得更广泛的经济见解。 This positive trend indicates some resilience in France's economy despite global challenges, though experts will continue to monitor these figures for broader economic insights.