明尼苏达州曼凯托附近一座受损的桥梁在大雨几乎导致其倒塌后被炸毁。 A damaged bridge near Mankato, MN, was explosively demolished after heavy rains nearly caused its collapse.
明尼苏达州曼凯托附近一座受损的桥梁在去年夏天的暴雨中几乎倒塌,现已被炸药摧毁。 A damaged bridge near Mankato, Minnesota, which nearly collapsed during heavy rains last summer, was demolished using explosives. 县官员投票决定更换已有 40 年历史的县际公路大桥,并拆除附近的拉皮丹大坝,该大坝也处于危险之中。 County officials voted to replace the 40-year-old County Road 9 Bridge and remove the nearby Rapidan Dam, which was also at risk. 拆除工作包括将桥的横梁爆破成蓝土河。 The demolition involved blasting the bridge's beams into the Blue Earth River. 重建过程预计需要数年时间。 The rebuilding process is expected to take several years. 这座桥的问题源于去年 6 月底和 7 月初对该地区造成重大破坏的洪水。 The bridge's issues stemmed from flooding that caused significant damage to the area in late June and early July last year.