爆炸炸毁了明尼苏达州Rividan大坝附近被损坏的县第9号桥的部分,并计划拆除大坝。 Explosives demolished parts of the damaged County Road 9 Bridge near Rapidan Dam in Minnesota, with plans to remove the dam.
炸药被用来拆除明尼苏达州蓝地县Ridian大坝附近9号县桥的关键部分。 Explosives were used to demolish key parts of the County Road 9 Bridge near the Rapidan Dam in Blue Earth County, Minnesota. 这座桥梁因去年严重洪水损坏而拆除。 The bridge was removed due to damage from heavy flooding last year. 该县计划更换大桥,但已决定拆除大坝,为大坝的拆除寻求联邦应急管理局的资金,可能耗资5 900万至7 500万美元。 The county plans to replace the bridge but has decided to remove the dam, seeking FEMA funding for the dam's demolition, which could cost between $59 million and $75 million.