剑桥郡和彼得堡计划大巴士系统大修,到2027年改为特许服务。 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough plan major bus system overhaul, shifting to franchised services by 2027.
剑桥郡和彼得堡联合管理局计划通过特许经营对当地公共汽车系统进行大修,对票价、路线和时间表进行权力控制。 The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority plans to overhaul the local bus system by franchising, giving the authority control over fares, routes, and timetables. 私营经营者仍将经营服务,但利润可以再投资于改善的服务。 Private operators will still run services, but profits can be reinvested into improved services. 这项改革得到了公众咨询中63%的受访者的支持,其目的是提供更好的连通性和更频繁的服务,标志着该区域公共汽车网络在40年中发生了最显著的变化。 This reform, supported by 63% of respondents in a public consultation, aims to provide better connectivity and more frequent services, marking the most significant change in the region's bus network in 40 years. 第一批特许经营服务预计将在2027年后期启动。 The first franchised services are expected to launch in late 2027.