政府为振兴英国公共汽车服务认捐10亿多英镑,在贫困地区受到沉重打击。 Government pledges over £1 billion to revitalize English bus services hit hard in deprived areas.
据IPPR北方的一项研究显示,自2011年以来, 英国的公共汽车服务削减影响最贫困地区的程度是最贫困地区的十倍. A study by IPPR North shows that bus service cuts in England have affected the most deprived areas ten times more than the least deprived since 2011. 议会现在正在审议的《公共汽车服务法案》旨在通过给予地方当局更多的控制、支持地方领导人以及投资于公共汽车以帮助减少排放和使人们获得机会来改进服务。 The Bus Services Bill now in Parliament aims to improve services by giving local authorities more control, supporting local leaders, and investing in buses to help reduce emissions and connect people to opportunities. 政府计划投资10亿多英镑,提高公共汽车服务的可靠性和频率。 The government plans to invest over £1 billion to enhance bus service reliability and frequency.