不列颠哥伦比亚儿童倡导者以压力和恶劣条件为由,警告儿童福利社会工作者危机。 BC's children's advocate warns of a child welfare social worker crisis, citing stress and poor conditions.
不列颠哥伦比亚省儿童倡导者Jennifer Charlesworth警告该省儿童福利社会工作者部门发生危机,指出压力、烧伤和工作条件差。 British Columbia's children's advocate, Jennifer Charlesworth, warns of a crisis in the province's child welfare social worker sector, citing stress, burnout, and poor working conditions. Charlesworth的报告指出,尽管努力改进筛查和机动反应小组,但这些步骤并没有显著改善局势。 Despite efforts like better screening and mobile response teams, Charlesworth's report indicates these steps have not significantly improved the situation. 她呼吁提供更好的培训、薪酬和公共人员配置报告,并敦促到2026年对儿童福利工作者实行强制性法律规定,到2027年设立一个监管机构。 She calls for better training, pay, and public staffing reports, and urges mandatory legal regulation for child welfare workers by 2026, with a regulatory body by 2027.