新南威尔士州政府改革儿童保护制度,强调家庭团结、安全之家和支持华盛顿大臣领导下的前线工人。 NSW government reforms child protection system, emphasizing family unity, safe homes and supporting frontline workers under Minister Kate Washington.
新南威尔士政府正在改革其儿童保护制度, The New South Wales government is reforming its child protection system under Minister Kate Washington, emphasizing that governmental responsibilities cannot be outsourced. 改革旨在通过三个主要支柱解决个案工作者空缺和缺乏问责制等问题:使家庭团圆、确保安全之家和支持前线工人。 The reforms aim to address issues like caseworker vacancies and lack of accountability through three main pillars: keeping families together, ensuring safe homes, and supporting frontline workers. 公务员协会支持这些变化,在工作人员薪酬争议不断的情况下寻求早期干预和改善劳动力流动性。 The Public Service Association backs the changes, seeking early intervention and improved workforce mobility amidst ongoing staff pay disputes.