诺瓦斯科舍省儿童福利系统的社会工作者面临着高额案件,低薪,面临着疲劳. Social workers in Nova Scotia's child welfare system struggle with high caseloads, low pay, facing burnout.
根据一份新报告,新斯科舍儿童福利系统中的社会工作者面临艰难条件,包括工作量高、工资低、培训不足等,导致燃烧和贬值。 Social workers in Nova Scotia's child welfare system are facing tough conditions, including high caseloads, low pay, and insufficient training, leading to burnout and devaluation, according to a new report. 报告建议减少案件数量,改善培训,并设立儿童和青年宣传办公室。 The report recommends reducing caseloads, improving training, and establishing a child and youth advocate office. 儿童福利宣传联盟支持这些调查结果,强调这些条件对儿童和家庭的影响。 The Child Welfare Advocacy Coalition supports these findings, emphasizing the impact of these conditions on children and families.