根据特朗普行政指示,西点关闭了以多样性为重点的俱乐部。 West Point shuts down diversity-focused clubs following Trump administration directives.
根据特朗普总统的行政命令和国防部旨在消除多样性、公平和包容方案的指导方针,西点的美国军事学院已经关闭了十几个以性别、种族和族裔为中心的俱乐部。 The U.S. Military Academy at West Point has shut down about a dozen clubs centered on gender, race, and ethnicity in response to President Trump's executive orders and Department of Defense guidelines aimed at eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. 受影响的俱乐部包括全国黑人工程师学会、妇女工程师学会和拉丁美洲文化俱乐部。 Clubs affected include the National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, and Latin Cultural Club. 西点还正在审查其他课外小组,以确保遵守新指令。 West Point is also reviewing other extracurricular groups to ensure compliance with the new directives.