联邦法官允许美国 海军学院继续使用种族招生 Federal judge allows U.S. Naval Academy to continue using race in admissions.
一名联邦法官裁定美国 A federal judge has ruled that the U.S. 尽管最高法院禁止民事学院采取平权行动,但海军学院在录取过程中仍可继续考虑种族问题。 Naval Academy can continue to consider race in its admissions process, despite the Supreme Court banning affirmative action in civilian colleges. 巴尔的摩的Richard Bennett法官驳回了学生争取公平录取协会关于该学院的种族意识入学方案违宪的论点,认为该学院对国家安全和各种各样的军官队伍有着强烈的兴趣。 Judge Richard Bennett in Baltimore rejected arguments from Students for Fair Admissions that the academy's race-conscious admissions program was unconstitutional, concluding that the academy has a compelling interest in national security and a diverse officer corps.