警长办公室调查Pontiac对年轻女孩的家庭入侵事件;提供1 000美元的奖励。 Sheriff's office investigates Pontiac home invasions targeting young girls; $1,000 reward offered.
奥克兰郡治安官办公室正在调查 庞提亚克发生的一系列家庭入侵事件 目标是年轻女孩 Oakland County Sheriff's Office is investigating a series of home invasions in Pontiac, targeting young girls. 12月23日至2月4日期间发生了四起事件,最近一起事件涉及一名戴面罩的男子,手持刀子,在逃跑之前掐死一名睡着的10岁女孩。 Four incidents occurred between December 23 and February 4, with the most recent involving a masked man armed with a knife who choked a sleeping 10-year-old girl before fleeing. 嫌犯被称为瘦黑男子,年龄为17-21岁,身着滑雪面具和黑衣服,通过未打开的窗户进入家中。 The suspect, described as a thin Black male, aged 17-21, wearing a ski mask and dark clothes, entered homes through unlocked windows. 当局敦促居民确保住宅安全,并对导致逮捕的信息给予1 000美元的奖励。 Authorities urge residents to secure their homes and offer a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.